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Lets have a looks at what ‘rejection’ means to an adult. Imagine I have tried to contact someone who did not respond in the way I hoped – or, who did not respond at all. When that happens I may feel ‘rejected’. But, what is that all about?

Unfortunately, most drug addicts have to hit rock bottom before they see the light. Your job is to make sure you and your family members don’t slide into that pit with them.

words of encouragement for sobriety You should also encourage your customers to tell you straightaway if they’re having problems paying. You may be able to accommodate delayed or staged payments, but only if you know about them sooner rather than later! Make sure any changes to your original payment terms are agreed in writing; an exchange of emails is fine.

Is this the new normal? For a while everyone felt this was just temporary but as the days go by and the economic recovery is slow in coming the grim reality feels like maybe this is not gonna change any time soon.

Understand how drug addiction comes about – Drug addiction can start of as a curiosity or be done because of peer pressure. It can begin with as mundane a step as taking prescription medications. Knowing the signs right at the onset can help you prevent even starting with just one use.

words of inspiration for sobriety My friend Donny has graciously given me permission to reprint his aftercare plan. He has over seven years of sobriety to his credit and still follows this plan to this very date.

words of inspiration for someone fighting addiction Feel free to get some training. Some brokers offer free training for stock market trading. Buy a book on fundamental analysis and another on technical analysis, soak in the content, and browse Internet sites dedicated to the stock markets.

With the overwhelming popularity of (and addiction to) Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers whatever other social media sites may crop up before this article is published, we are bombarded with quotes from great thinkers past and present. To disrespect to Gandhi, Oprah or Socrates but I think my dad’s words are truly words to live by.

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