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Addicts may make it through drug detox and into recovery, but slipping back into trouble is generally thought of as something of a foregone conclusion. So often people in recovery suffer sudden relapses. These don’t occur because the people had a change of heart. They happen because of the addicted brain and the powerful strength of the cravings it has to use again.

Take a look at the consequence so far at keeping the systems as they are in place. We have children growing up to become abusers. We have other children growing up believing they deserve to be abused. We have suicides, spouses feeling powerless and children being used as pawns in custody cases. Can we put a price on lives?

Before I knew it, I was making a speech to the entire country. It was obviously not written, but spoken from my mind, my heart and my soul. It all made perfect sense to me and covered all the important topics that are plaguing our country and its people. I will recount it here. Perhaps it will reach the eyes and ears of someone who will be able to hear it.

drug use in Tampa Florida Eat healthy stuff. Nutritious foods should give you enough strength while you are undergoing the withdrawal stage. Keep your blood sugar level stable by concentrating on your protein intake and your mood should be stabilized.

Those who struggle with alcohol or drug addiction are finding that often the “treatment professionals” or mainstream thinking isn’t helping, but making things worse. The success rate for traditional substance abuse treatment is not that high which indicates that the majority of those who enter treatment will not succeed. Along with this, those who do not enter treatment have as high or higher success rate in eliminating their addictive behavior! They tell you relapse is a part of treatment! What? Then why go? If something does not produce acceptable results, why continue in it? Because we have been led to believe by the treatment professionals that it is the only way!

As you read through the five stages of dependency below, think about where you might fit in. This model doesn’t only apply to drug addictions or substance abuse, but is a useful model that can be applied in many different context.

The number two method to overcoming this crisis is to run away from drugs and substance abuse as much as possible. To put in another way, you have to get rid of drugs or substances you are inclined to abuse from your residence. Running away from them will help your immunity. On the other hand if you still keep one or two of them around you or still associate with your addicted friends, you are liable to go back. Thence, the best way out is to keep away from them at all cost. It will be encouraging to tell your friends of your choice to quit so that they can keep an eye on you.

Job Security. This is one job where your goal is to work yourself out of a job, but that isn’t likely to happen. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor the number of substance abuse and behavioral counselor jobs will grow by 27% between 2010 and 2020. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that we have a pretty significant drug problem in the United States. Just watch the news tonight. Besides even if we were to get rid of all the drugs in our country, there are still plenty of other addictions out there.

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