What Is the Ideal Temperature for a Wine? Leave a comment

The perfect temperature to drink a wine is a subject that should be taken into severe consideration when thinking about drinking it.

And what is the best temperature for a wine? “At room temperature?” Totally incorrect, imagine that you’re in a tropical country in mid-summer, with tempratures reaching 38ºC. Ever imagined the horrible experience that’s to style a wine at 38ºC?

Now think exactly the opposite, like Siberia at -20º C… will you style a frozen wine?

Wine temprature afects our senses?

Yes, definitely! The temperature of the wine considerably impacts our smell, palate and contact, and for this reason, we can’t enjoy a wine if it is hot or very cold.

When the wine is at 18ºC, the aromas are higher perceived, when it is at 10 ° C, the sensitivity decreases, and when the temperature is below 4 ° C our taste buds are almost insensitive to those aromas. So, warmer the wine, the candy elements become more noticeable and the alcohol is healthier perceived by our senses. When Colder the bitter components, acidity or astringency are more simply perceived, due to the tannins.

Wine Balance and Temprature

The balance lies between its acidity and its softness, if the wine is above the perfect temperature the alcohol could overlap; if it is below the temperature, the wine can turn into very hard.

The tannic reds cannot be served cold, heat exalts the aromas and alcohol, making the wine more pleasant.

The white wines that often are mor acid and contemporary are incredible at lower temperatures.

Tips on how to lower the temprature of wine?

When you’ll want to freeze a white wine, the best way to do this is to place the bottle in a container with ice and water. This is the most appropriate way to freeze also a rose. You can still use the fridge, but the wine will need more time to cool.

How to improve the temperature of the wine?

To extend the temperature of the wine, by no means use a direct heat supply, resembling a fireplace, as it may overheat the glass, and if the wine overheats it is irreparably compromised. The perfect way is to soak the bottle in warm water.

Take into consideration the outside temperature

Always consider the outside temperature, the warmer the day, the wine (any type of wine) ought to be served fresher. Once within the glass, in few minutes beneficial properties some degrees. For example, a glass of wine at a temperature of 8ºC, in about twenty minutes reaches 13ºC on an environment of 25ºC.

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